Birth date
Street name and number
Zip code
Now save the header. You will be redirected to the document’s final preview. Study it carefully and decide whether to sign it.
Either click the link in the yellow field, which moves you to the place for signing:
or click the Sign button directly:
You will be redirected again – this time to 2FA verification. Here, enter your phone number, and then we’ll send that number a verification PIN code.
The phone number may already have been filled in by the contract’s Proposer.
We’ll send that number an SMS in the following format:
At the same time you will be called to fill in this code. If the code does not reach you, you can have it re-sent. You can also change your phone number.
Once the PIN is entered correctly, you are redirected to the signature field. You can sign using your finger or a stylus, or the touchpad on your laptop. If you are dissatisfied with the signature you’ve produced, delete it and start again.
If the document’s place and date have not already been filled in, you will be called to provide these as well during signing:
Once the place, the date and your signature are filled in, confirm the addition of your signature by clicking Sign.
The final screen then notifies you that the process has completed successfully. We have sent the document with your signature to the counterparty, and naturally we have a copy for you as well. Check your email to see it. It can be downloaded as a PDF. To keep on digitally signing documents in the future, go ahead and register at Signi.com. Your first three signatures are free.