Workspace vám jako virtuální kancelář umožňuje spravovat vaše dokumenty v online prostředí.
Nastavení, která si uložíte v tomto rozhraní, jsou platná pro celý workspace, tzn. i pro všechny případné členy týmu, kteří daný workspace používají.
Po kliknutí na název workspace v levém horním rohu se zobrazí seznam všech založených workspace (v níže uvedeném příkladě vidíme workspace s názvem Osobní a workspace Firma).
Vyberete daný workspace, který chcete nastavit, a kliknete nad ním na Nastavení workspace:
Child pages (Children Display) |
A workspace is like a virtual office that lets you manage your documents in an online environment.
The settings that you save in this interface apply for the entire workspace, i.e. also for any team members that are using the given workspace.
Click the workspace name at the top left corner, and a listing of all created workspaces will be displayed (the example below shows two workspaces, named Personal and Company).
Choose the workspace to configure and click Workspace Settings above it:
If you did not create a workspace during registration, or you want to create another, new one, click on + Create Workspace to do so.
If you’d like to also invite other people as team members, you must set up the workspace as a legal entity.
Then to configure the workspace, click on its name. Once a workspace is selected, this screen is shown:
You can then configure and edit these settings:
Child pages (Children Display) |
If you are the given workspace’s owner, you can delete it from this screen.
A Delete command is found under every tab, in the middle of the screen at the very bottom: