Signature Identity

If you are using the application to send pre-created documents, where you are only defining who signs them and where, you do not need to fill in the signature identity. That’s because this information is not passed through to any other place.

If you have purchased the Templates module, and you are working with templates that we have programmed into the system for you (or if you are using other templates available in Signi), then the data you enter on this page, Signature Identity, is copied in place of the data on the document proposer at the moment when the document is created from the template.

So to create your signature identity, first fill in data about yourself and your company in the introductory section of the Signature Identity page.


Then configure how data on you or your company will be presented in templates. In the second section of the page, fill in the Custom Header, where you can sort identifying information however you wish, or also add any text you want among it. The header can also have multiple language variants. The current data will then be inserted into templates in the form you’ve set here.