Removing a Document


If a document has not yet been signed by all parties, the document can be edited – or removed.

In the document listing, choose the one you want to remove, and then just click the three-dots icon at the end of its item. This expands a list of additional actions you can perform on the document. Removing the document is one of these:


If you are already viewing the document’s contents, the option for removing the document is located above the document. Then click the three-dots button next to the Send button, and click Remove Document in the list that appears.


The document is then deleted, and the credit used for it is returned.

If the document already contains a signature for a counterparty who was the first to sign it, but the document has not yet been signed by its Proposer, this proposal can be deleted as well.


However, for this document, the signatures must be deleted first, that is, it must be restored to its draft state. To do this, use the Edit Document option.Then save the proposal. After this, it can be deleted. Expired proposals can be deleted in the same way.